ReedBed Anthony

September 2024

Wladyslaw and ReedBed Anthony had a fantastic 2024 WT season despite the age of 9 years

ReedBed Episode 4 Luke Skywalker

September 2024

Congratulations to Hilda and ReedBed Episode 4 Luke Skywalker 3rd place with excellent in the Open class by Trave Dogs Cup 2024

ReedBed Cayenne

September 2024

ReedBed Cayenne and Teja Karis Starman made 5th place in the Rescue Dog World Championship. Big congratulations! What a fantastic result!

ReedBed Daffodil

Juni 2024

Super result von ReedBed Daffodill with Birgit Velghe BGH 3, excellent with 99 points

ReedBed Episode 4 Darth Vader

Dezember 2023

ReedBed Episode 4 Darth Vader start his FT season this year. 02.12 good qualification on CACIT FT in Hungary 10.12 3rd đŸ„‰ place with excellent in CACIT FT in Slovakia

Int. FTCH ReedBed Barbaresco

Dezember 2023

Int. FTCH ReedBed Barbaresco of Waterfriend 2nd excellent res. CACIT in Sardinia Italy FT Aggius


Fantastic result for Ugo and Mirko. They are on the top for the last 5 years 😍

ReedBed Fiordoliso with top result

November 2023

ReedBed Fiordoliso aka Iris Finished her seasons 2023 with to results Frist rund in Novice FT in Capolana IT 3rd đŸ„‰ place with good qualification. 25-26.11. 2023 1st đŸ„‡ place and wining the Italian National WT Championship 2023 So very proud of her and Fabiana.

ReedBed Fiordoliso

ReedBed G-Litter

November 2023

The Glen puppies are here:

4 yellow boys 1 black boy 1 black girl


ReedBed Daffodil

Juni 2023

Am 03.06.2023 besteht ReedBed Daffodil mit Birgit die IBGH2 mit 90/100 Punkten und sehr gut.

Herzliche Gratulation

ReedBed Episode 4 Darth Vader

Mai 2023

WT Menine CZ

Judges: Petra Buijs (AUT) Ton Buijs (AUT) Csaba SzĂĄntay (HUN)

ReedBed Episode 4 Darth Vader with Karolina Imbiorska Open class 3rd place đŸ„‰ very good 78/9

ReedBed Fiordaliso

April 2023

WT Montodine Novice class 1st place ReedBed Fiordaliso

ReedBed Falco & Cherry

MĂ€rz 2023

We have been to the international show and got very nice results in the open class with very good

ReedBed Fiordaliso

MĂ€rz 2023

March was a good month for ReedBed‘s, very good start in the WT season

ReedBed Fiordaliso Iris with Fabiana hat fantastic runs. WT Cressa 18/3/2023 1st in Novice place đŸ„‡ excellent WT Cscena Mantova 26/03/2023 3rd place đŸ„‰ in Novice

ReedBed Falco

MĂ€rz 2023

ReedBed Falco WT Melnik CZ, beginners 4th place excellent and judges choice WT Sopron Novice, Very good 67/80

ReedBed Fiordaliso

Februar 2023

ReedBed Fiordaliso Novice Class 1st place with excellent 78/80 points Italien Viterbo

FTCH ReedBed Barbaresco of Waterfriend

JĂ€nner 2023

Mirko Galli and ReedBed Barbaresco of Waterfriend 2nd excellent place in CACIT Open FT Konopiste, Czech Republic. Big congratulations

Billy Lundy
Michael Corr
Michaela Klucinova
Baroslav Barman

FTCH ReedBed Barbaresco of Waterfriend

JĂ€nner 2023

FTCH ReedBed Barbaresco of Waterfriend and Mirco Gali 2nd place res. CACIT, res. CACT in the Italian retriever championship 2022 and Guns Choice 😍
Judges Mark Demain, Lee Hartis, Stefano Martinoli und Stefania Gandolfi

ReedBed Wurfneuigkeiten

Winter 2023

Wir planen den nÀchsten Wurf im Winter 2023 mit Kingsdale Meadow Cherry of ReedBed. Sir stil open

ReedBed on Tour


Irland 2022

ReedBed Barbaresco of Waterfriend

September 2022

Int. FTCH ReedBed Barbaresco of Waterfriend 5th place very good in Italian WT Final

ReedBed Falco

September 2022

Reedbed Falco WT ChƂybie PL, Judges choice

ReedBed Chilli Cyden

September 2022

ReedBed Chilli Cyden 1st place in team WT in Germany. Retriever in tour.

ReedBed Falco

August 2022

WT Czech Republic Roudnice nad Labem
20.08.22 5th place 72p very good
Judges Paula & Steve Cullis

Foto by Nabila Nan

Litter 2023

August 2022

upkommig litter winter 2023

We plan our next litter in winter 2023

Dam: Kingsdale Meadow Cherry of ReedBed Sir: open

ReedBed Episode4 Luke Skywalker

August 2022

ReedBed Episode4 Luke Skywalker 1st place đŸ„‡ 119/120 points in the beginners class in Germany WT Wunstorfer

ReedBed Daffodil

Juli 2022

ReedBed Daffodil Rally Obedience Cup Klasse 1, 6nd place, 90 points with excellent
Bravo Birgit und Duffy

ReedBed Daffodil

Juni 2022

ReedBed Daffodil Rally Obedience Cup Klasse 1, 2nd đŸ„ˆ place, 91 points with excellent
Bravo Birgit und Duffy

ReedBed Chilli Cayden

Juni 2022

RTT WT Germany ReedBed Chilli Cayden after run of 4th very good and judge’s choice 😍

ReedBed Episode 4 Darth Vader

Mai 2022

ReedBed Episode 4 Darth Vader With Karolina Imbiorska 2nd place in M class with very good WT in Slovakia


ReedBed Fiordoliso

Mai 2022

WTBarberino di Muggello 1 place 75/80 exellent
Congratulations to Fabiana

ReedBed Anthony

April 2022

ReedBed Anthony
3rd place good WT WrocƂaw PL

Helth results:
ReedBed Falco
HD A, ED 0, OCD 0 and eyes free 2022

Helth results:
ReedBed Freddie Mercury
HD A, ED 0, OCD 0 and eyes free 2022

ReedBed Bardolino

April 2022

ReedBed Bardolino
2nd place good WT Wroclaw PL

ReedBed Dianas Rose

April 2022

ReedBed Dianas Rose
3rd place L very good WT Wroclaw PL, with Piotr

ReedBed Episode 4 Darth Vader

April 2022

ReedBed Episode 4 Darth Vader
1st place very good WT Wroclaw PL, with Karolina

ReedBed Daisy

April 2022

ReedBed Daisy first time in WT, Junges Choice WT Velky Borek CZ with Veronika

ReedBed Fiordaliso

April 2022

ReedBed Fiordaliso 3rd place excellentđŸ„‰ WT Montrdine IT with Fabiana

ReedBed Dahlia

September 2021

Proudly present first Water rescue ReedBed
Congratulations to Agnieszka Michalska and ReedBed Dahlia for passing the examination to water rescue in Poland/ GdaƄsk

ReedBed Diana‘s Rose

August 2021 place with excellent 94/100
Beginners L
Congratulations to Piotr Szarowicz

ReedBed Golden A-Litter


Neue Fotos vom Golden Retriever A-Wurf findet ihr hier

ReedBed Golden A-Litter

Sommer 2021

Am 05.07 hat Siri 11 gesunde Welpen auf die Welt gebracht. 7 RĂŒden und 4 HĂŒndinen

ReedBed A-Wurf

Sommer 2021

ReedBed Curcuma


RH F – B 196/91 excellent bestanden und somit fĂŒr die World Championship in SAR qualifiziert

ReedBed Episode4 Luke Skywalker


Hat erfolgreich die JAS/R PrĂŒfung in Deutschland bestanden

ReedBed Episode4 Beru Lars


Hat erfolgreich die JAS/R PrĂŒfung in Deutschland bestanden

ReedBed Desert Rose


Rose hat heute die Jagdlicheanlagefesstellung bestanden

ReedBed Episode4 Beru Lars


ED frei
OCD Frei

ReedBed Episode4 Leia Organa


ED 0

ReedBed Diana’s Rose




ED 0


ReedBed Episode 4 Luke Skywalker


ED 0

DeckrĂŒde zu Gast

fĂŒr 2021

ReedBed Episode 4 Darth Vader



E Wurf ReedBed Episode 4 Darth Vader

HD A, ED 0, OCD 0, Augen frei

F- Litter


2 yellow girls

2 yellow boys

F-Litter 01/2021

INT. FTCH ReedBed Barbaresco of Waterfriend







judged by

Laura Lazzaretto

Pieter Vivijes

All ReedBed `s


What a fantastic season for ReedBed C litter

Apple x Touchy

ReedBed Curcumma has pass SAR exams RH- T A and RH-FL A with excellent

ReedBed Cayenne has past SAR exams RH-T B 197/200 obedience 93/100 and RH-FL B with excellent

ReedBed Cornflower Gemma pass today VPS hunting test with fantastic result 2nd price

ReedBed Chilli Cayden pass last weekend his first Open WT in Germany and qualify for the German Cup in spring.

Congratulations to all owners. I am so very proud of you! Thank you for bringing such superb results in this difficult 2020 season.

ReedBed Brunello


1st place in hunting test in Sweeden orgonize by SSRK

ReedBed Bardolino


FTW Reedbed Bardolino 3rd place very good at the

Austrian- Hungarian Retriever Field Trial Championship 18-19 /01/2020.

Judged by

Stefania Gandolfi


Dirk Volders

ReedBed Bardolino


FTW ReedBed Bardolino

2nd Excelent res. CACIT, CACT at the International Open Field Trial 25-01-2020 Konopiste, Czech Republic

ReedBed Bardolino


FTW ReedBed Bardolino ( res.CACIT Norbeck Fiona of Tweedshot x ItFTCh Waterfriend Cornet) after 5 retrieves 2nd excelent res..CACIT, CACT

at International Open Field Trial in Czech Republic.
Stef Bollen
Filip Bollen
Michaela TomcovĂĄ
Alena Bruzkova

​Pictures by Dana Slabá.

ReedBed Bardolino


Reedbed Bardolino after 7 retrieves win the Open

International CACIT, CACT Field Trial in Austria.

Judges Kurt Becksteiner & Paul O’Brien

FTW ReedBed Bardolino ( res.CACIT Norbeck Fiona od Tweedshot x FTCH Waterfriend Cornet)

1st excelent CACIT, CACT & Guns Choice

ReedBed Bardolino


Reedbed Bardolino 3rd Excellent at the

International CACIT Field Trial in Burgenland on the 27th of October 2019:

Judges: Stefano Martinoli (IT), Ton Buijs (NL)

I had two wonderful trial days in Austria.

It was first trial weekend this season for me and Bardolino and we past with excellent result .

I think it’s just a warm-up at the beginning of the season for all ReedBed Gundogs;)!!!